Ukraine exported chicken worth $800 million in 2023

Source:  Shareuapotential

In 2023, Ukraine exported 425 thousand tons of chicken for a total of $800 million. While exports grew by 3% in physical terms compared to the previous year, they decreased by 6% in monetary terms due to a significant decline in the average selling price in the second half of 2022.

According to preliminary data, in December 2023, 35.9 thousand tons of poultry meat were exported, which almost corresponds to the monthly average in 2023, while in December 2022, chicken exports amounted to 37.7 thousand tons.

While in the first half of 2022 the average export price of Ukrainian chicken was $2.2/kg, in early 2023 it fell to $1.7/kg, and in the second half of 2023 it recovered to $1.9/kg.

A significant decline in global prices for grains and oilseeds led to a decrease in the cost of chicken production amid relatively stable prices for it throughout the year.

In recent years, Myronivsky Hliboproduct has been the largest exporter of poultry meat in Ukraine with a market share of 80-90%.

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