Romania: new crop of winter rapeseed is expected to be similar to 2021

Author:  Olena Hesova

Article author:

According to the crop model simulations of MARS agency, there has been no frost damage to the EU winter crops so far. However, the build-up of frost tolerance (hardening) is weaker than usual in most parts of central, eastern and south-eastern Europe, including Romania.

Although frost tolerance is expected to increase with the forecast colder temperatures, the current hardening status could expose winter crops to frost damage in the event of severe cold spells in the weeks to come.

According to UkrAgroConsult estimates, in 2022/23 MY Romanian rapeseed crop can reach last year level.

However, winter scenario in the vulnerable areas will be closely watched. Hardening is weak particularly in the South-East Romania, where snow cover will be crucial to protects the plants from the extensive winter-kill.

Over the last 30 days Romania received enough of precipitation for the winter crop development, which improved outlook for the new crop.  However, snow cover has formed only in the mountains as the temperatures remain above the multiyear norms and weak plants are exposed to frost damage.

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