2022/23 Brazil First Corn Crop 65% Planted vs. 59% Average


The first corn crop in southern Brazil was 65% planted as of late last week compared to 63% last year and 59% average, according to Safras & Mercado.

The weather for the first corn crop in Brazil has been OK, but not as good as it has been for soybeans because of the geographic distribution of the first corn crop. The states of Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais are the two largest first crop corn producers. In Rio Grande do Sul, the northern part of the state has been too wet and the southern part of the state has been too dry. In the state of Minas Gerais, it has generally been a dry start to the planting season. The first crop corn acreage is down 1.5% this year, but yields are expected to be up 16.4% with the production up 14.6% compared to last year’s drought plagued crop.

Rio Grande do Sul – The corn planting in Rio Grande do Sul was 70% as of late last week compared to 70% last year and 62% average according to Emater. The planting was slow in the northern part of the state due to wet conditions and it was slow in the southern part of the state due to dry conditions. The early corn development has been slow as well due to cool temperatures. Farmers in the state are expected to plant 831,700 hectares of corn (2.05 million acres) in 2022/23 and the yield is forecasted to be 7,337 kg/ha (116.6 bu/ac).

Parana – The first corn crop in Parana was 78% planted as of earlier last week according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). The corn was 11% germinating, 89% in vegetative development, and the corn was rated 1% poor, 12% average, and 86% good.

Santa Catarina – Heavy rains in western Santa Catarina over the last four weeks have slowed the corn planting in the state and a lack of sunshine and cool temperatures have slowed the corn development. Some of the corn that was planted 30-40 days ago have only received a few days of sunshine. Some of the corn in western Santa Catarina will need to be replanted due to the excessive rains that fell during the first half of October.

Mato Grosso – Farmers in the state have sold 78% of their 2021/22 corn production as of October 1st, which is up 4.8% for the month of September. The average price during September was R$ 66.03 per sack (approximately $5.77 per bushel).

Brazilian corn farmers are expecting good sales opportunities over the next 8-9 months due to uncertainties concerning Ukraine’s corn production and exports, lower production in the United States and potential lower production in Argentina. These sales opportunities should persist until the 2022/23 safrinha corn is harvested next June-July-August.

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