2020/21 Brazil Safrinha Corn 3.4% Planted vs. 23% Last Year

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The safrinha corn is going to be planted in a very tight window and much of the crop will be planted after the ideal window has closed, which is in about two weeks. Nationwide, the safrinha corn was 3.4% planted late last week compared to 23% last year according to AgRural.

Brazilian farmers are expected to plant a majority if not all their intended safrinha corn because of the strong corn prices and the fact that they have purchased nearly all their needed inputs and they have forward contracted more than half of their anticipated corn production.

Mato Grosso Safrinha Corn – The safrinha corn in Mato Grosso was 8.2% planted last week comparted to 38.9% last year and 29% average according to the Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea). The most advanced planting is in the northern part of the state where 18% of the corn has been planted.

Parana Corn – The full-season corn in Parana was 2% in vegetative development, 8% pollinating, 53% filling grain, 37% maturing, and 2% harvested as of late last week according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral).

The safrinha corn in Parana was 1% planted late last week. Even though the safrinha corn planting is going to be very late, it is still expected that farmers will plant most if not all their intended safrinha corn because they have already purchased 90% of their inputs and corn prices continue to be very strong.

Rio Grande do Sul Full-Season Corn – Emater reported that 17% of the full-season corn was in vegetative development, 13% was pollinating, 21% was filling grain, 12% was maturing, and 36% has been harvested. The corn harvest was 36% last year and 29% average. The recent rains have slowed the harvest pace, but they have been beneficial for the later developing corn. The average price of corn last week in the state was R$ 79.12 per sack (approximately $6.75 per bushel).


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