Weather may delay Safrinha crop planting in central Brazil

Consistent rainfall in mid-February could delay harvest and planting activities.

Fairly consistent rainfall will characterize the mid-February period across central Brazil while areas farther south will see variable rainfall, according to data from WeatherTrends360. While CONAB has raised soybean and corn estimates for Brazil, weather-related delays in harvest, especially across central growing regions, could cause problems further down in the line with delayed Safrinha (second corn crop) planting and, thus, potential risk for second crop yields.

Weathertrends360 projects that the week-ending February 18, 2021, will be the second-to-fourth wettest in more than 30 years across the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso, Goiás, and Minas Gerais as consistent rainfall is expected over the period. Farther south, a wetter start to the week will give way to drier weather later in the period. This will result in varying drier- and wetter-than-normal patterns with the state of Paraná seeing the fourth driest mid-February in 30-plus years. Drier weather at this point in the season is favorable for harvest while wetter weather can cause harvest and Safrinha planting delays, especially in the high-producing states of Mato Grosso and Goiás.


Meanwhile, portions of northeastern Argentina will see wetter weather early on in the week ending February 18 with drier weather returning later in the period. For the state of Buenos Aires, precipitation for the week overall will trend greater than normal while most other areas of Argentina will be drier than normal.



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