Weather conditions significantly worsened crop prospects in Moldova and Romania


Higher than usual air temperatures in April led to accelerated development of wheat, barley and rape crops in Moldova, which may further lead to a decrease in their yield both in terms of quantity and quality. This forecast was voiced by the representative of the National Center for Research and Seed Production “Selekcija”, Boris Boincian.

As the specialist noted, the rapid development of fall crops was influenced by several factors, including the lack of precipitation in the fall and high temperatures in winter.

“We entered the spring with drought, now this drought is pronounced. There are big cracks in the fields. There is no water, so the plants are giving up. If there are no new rains, the situation may become critical,” B. Boincian said, adding that it is not yet known how the recent frosts have affected the crops.

The situation is similar in Romania, where, according to the meteorological service, moderate and severe soil drought may affect the winter wheat harvest on rather large areas. Thus, farmers in Buzeu County stated that the above weather conditions have already led to the fact that more than 25 thousand hectares of cereal crops in the region may be affected by drought, in connection with which they expect a reduction in yields by about 50% compared to last year.

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