Ukraine. Olhopil launches fuel grain dryer in Vinnytsia Region
Olhopil agricultural firm (village of Olhopil, Vinnytsia region) has put into operation on the territory of its farm Roksana-K (village of Melnykivtsy, Vinnytsia region) a Bonfanti grain dryer with a capacity of 400 tonnes per day, operating on combustion sunflower pellets instead of traditional natural gas, according to the website of the agricultural firm.
“The dryer operates on sunflower pallets, which allows both to save money and to take care of the environment, because emissions are much less. Wheat, peas, corn and sunflower are dried with the dryer,” the company quotes its co-owner Pavlo Kalenych in a message.
According to the agricultural firm, together with the grain dryer, an elevator was built on the territory of the farm with a capacity for simultaneous storage of up to 10,000 tonnes of grain crops.
The company’s website states that Olhopil agricultural firm cultivates 5,000 hectares in Chechelnyk district of Vinnytsia region.
The company grows grain and industrial crops: wheat, barley, soybeans, rapeseed, corn, sugar beets, oats, sunflower, and is also engaged in \ commercial production of grain seeds. Its elevator capacity is 32,000 tonnes of one-time storage.
In addition, Olhopil has a dairy farm and a dairy processing plant that produces products under the Villa Milk trademark.
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