The media learned what restrictions Ukraine will face in the new trade agreement with the EU

курятина МХП

The new draft agreement on trade preferences between Ukraine and the EU, which the European Commission plans to extend until June 6, 2025, provides for restrictions on exports of Ukrainian sugar, poultry, and eggs to the European market.

The Polish edition of RMF24 writes about this, noting that the new version of this agreement will be more useful for Poland.

As reported, a preliminary decision has already been made to extend the agreement, although the final version of the document will be adopted in Brussels at the College of European Commissioners on January 31.

According to the report, the new version of this agreement will be more useful for the Polish side than the current one. In particular, the draft new agreement provides for the introduction of limits on imports of Ukrainian sugar, poultry and eggs to the EU, which is not in the current agreement. Earlier, the current European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski (Poland) and the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Poland Czesław Sekerski called on the European Commission to impose restrictions on these Ukrainian products, while European Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis opposed it.

According to the draft EU-Ukraine agreement, it will introduce two safeguard mechanisms: one is normal and the other is in case of extraordinary market fluctuations. In particular, in the case of such fluctuations in connection with imports of, for example, Ukrainian grain, such a “safety brake” will be introduced even at the request of one EU country. As of today, such a protective mechanism is possible only with the consent of all EU countries.

In addition, the decision to suspend excessive imports of agricultural products from Ukraine, according to the draft agreement, will be made faster, as it will be approved only by the European Commission without the need for consent from all EU countries.

As reported, on Monday, Polish Minister of Agriculture Czeslaw Sekerski said that the embargo on Ukrainian products to Poland would remain in place until appropriate agreements are reached with the Ukrainian side.

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