Preliminary Agenda for BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE is now available!

Preliminary Agenda for 22 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE is now available! With the event fast approaching, get ready for exceptional experience with unmatched networking and insightful sessions. Join us on Feb 13-14 in Prague!
Agenda Highlights:
- Black Sea & Danube Region. What’s Beyond the 2024/25 Season’s Equator? Grains & Oilseeds
- Brazil, Argentina, Mercosur Markets: Grain and Oilseed Production and Trade Forecasts. Top Export Destinations
- Wheat, Corn and Soybeans. EU 2025 Outlook
- Reshaping the Global Commodity Market. Macro and Micro Factors & Challenges
- Agricultural Climate 2025: Weathering and Harvesting Grain and Oilseeds
- Meeting the Global Demand. Fostering Regional Supply Chains, Trade and Logistics
- AgriFood. Production and Processing Strategies to Meet a Changing World
Discover more about participation opportunities:
Distinguished Sponsors and Partners of the conference: Legal Sponsor – Fortior Law, Lanyard Sponsor – QSS, Sponsor – Filhet-Allard Maritime. The Conference is supported by Ukrainian Grain Association, Ukroilprom Association, Donau Soja Organisation, Ukrainian-Czech Chamber of Commerce (UKRCHAM), Serbia Grains Association.
Willing to cooperate, become a partner
or ask a question? You are welcome:
+380507861310 (WA, Viber, Telegram)
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