Polish government has announced a full list of Ukrainian agricultural products to be banned

Source:  AgroPortal.ua

Poland is seeking to reach a bilateral agreement with Ukraine that could replace the current national embargo on grain crops and protect the Polish market from other sensitive products such as sugar, poultry, eggs, frozen raspberries, apple juice, sunflower and rapeseed oil.

This was announced by Polish Minister of Agriculture Czeslaw Sekerski at a parliamentary hearing in the Sejm on February 22, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of Poland on Х (Twitter).

“Ultimately, we want to see significant restrictions on imports of sensitive goods from Ukraine with detailed and even restrictive border controls,” he said.

Sekerski emphasized that the opening of the European market for imports of agricultural products to the EU cannot be the same as it is now, as farmers from Poland and other EU countries cannot compete.

At the same time, Polish farmers announced a protest in Warsaw on February 27. The strikers are going to protest in front of the Polish Sejm and the office of Prime Minister Donald Tusk, RMF24 reports.

The Warsaw strike will be held under the slogan “Star March to the Capital”. In their petition, which they will hand over to the Prime Minister’s office, they will demand to restrict imports of agricultural products from Ukraine and to withdraw from the EU’s Green Deal.

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