Onion prices are “almost historically high” in the world

Source:  AgroTimes

Many markets in different parts of the world are experiencing very high or almost historically high prices for onions. This is caused by several factors, the shortage is exacerbated by bans on the export of onions from traditionally large exporting countries India and Egypt.

This is stated in the review of the onion market FreshPlaza.

It is noted that European importers, amid restrictions from India and Egypt and a decline in production in most European countries, turned to China for onions. However, the attacks in the Red Sea are delaying supplies from China. They are satisfied with the significant increase in demand from Europe and domestically, but exporters in China are cautious because of this delivery problem. Over the past six months, prices in China have risen by almost 30%.

India’s neighboring countries are acutely aware of the ban on overpriced exports in their markets. Due to the smaller harvest in Germany, there are high prices for domestic and imported onions from Spain. Given the higher prices, Spanish producers intend to expand production this year. Italy has a difficult onion market with very high prices.

Austrian onion prices have started to rise, although they also see export interest. In Denmark, there is an increase in demand from the rest of Europe, but they are not able to fully meet the additional orders, providing supplies to contract customers domestically and in Germany. Exporters from the Netherlands say that it is difficult to compete on the global onion market at this price level.

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