Moldova imports the most plums to the EU

Source:  AgroTimes

Most of the plums imported by the European Union come from the Republic of Moldova. To be more precise, 25% of the plums sold in the EU in 2023 are Moldovan.

This was reported by Moldpress.

According to Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization Dumitru Alaiba, in 2023 alone, Moldova exported plums worth 35 million euros.

Two years ago, the EU canceled quotas for 7 Moldovan agricultural products, including plums.

“Our entrepreneurs have grown, harvested and exported 60 thousand tons, which is four times more than the 15 thousand tons quota lifted two years ago. We have exceeded the plan four times, and we still have room to grow! This achievement is a merit of the hardworking people of this country and proves that high-quality Moldovan products are valued and in demand on the international market,” said Dumitru Alaiba.

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