Heavy rainfall could reduce Brazil’s soybean crop

Source:  Oilword

Heavy rains have created an emergency situation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which is the second largest soybean producing region in Brazil, and has already caused a partial loss of the oilseed crop.

As noted, during the first week of May, rainfall in the state exceeded 31 inches, affecting almost all crops that have not yet been harvested from about 1.5 million hectares. At the same time, it is not excluded that the crops in the affected areas may be lost completely.

In addition, according to the forecast of the meteorological service Climatempo, the situation may further deteriorate, as rains in the south of Brazil are predicted throughout the first half of May.

It should be noted that, according to the latest Datagro forecasts, Brazil’s soybean crop in this year will increase to 147.9 million tons, up from 146.3 million tons a year earlier, but this estimate does not include current crop losses due to recent rains.

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