Farmers in southern Brazil completing full-season corn planting


Rio Grande do Sul Full-Season Corn – Emater reported earlier last week that farmers in the state had planted 89% of their full-season corn compared to 92% last year and 96% average. This represented an advance of 2% for the week. The corn in Rio Grande do Sul was 34% germinating and in vegetative development, 20% pollinating, 35% filling grain, 8% maturing, and 3% harvested. Recent rains have helped farmers continue planting their full-season corn.

The dry weather earlier in the growing season negatively impacted the earlier planted corn and those yields cannot be recovered. The later planted corn would benefit from continued rainfall. The average corn price in the state declined 2.5% last week to R$ 73.82 per sack (approximately $6.30 per bushel).

Santa Catarina Full-Season corn – The worst drought in 50 years has negatively impacted the corn production in Santa Catarina. The period from June 2019 to November 2020 has been the driest since 1957. The corn production in the state is expected to be down 19% from initial estimates. The silage corn is expected to be down 29% and the silage is very poor quality. The western part of the state was impacted the most with some corn fields a complete loss. Some of the fields intended for grain production were instead cut for forage primary for dairy cows

The good news for farmers in the state is that rainfall is increasing. The rains are still irregular with unequal distribution, but the forecast is calling for above normal rainfall during January and February. This will help any late planted corn as well as the soybean crop in the state.

Parana Safrinha Corn – In their first estimate of the 2020/21 safrinha corn crop, Deral is estimating that the acreage will increase 2% to 2.34 million hectares (5.7 million acres) and that the production will increase 14% to 13.43 million tons. They left their estimate of the full-season corn crop unchanged at 3.39 million tons.

Mato Grosso Safrinha Corn – Imea estimates that farmers in the state will increase their safrinha corn acreage by 5% to 5.69 million hectares (14.0 million acres). They also estimate that 14-15% of the safrinha corn will be planted after the ideal planting window is closed.

Minas Gerais Safrinha Corn – Farmers in Minas Gerais are worried that the delayed soybean planting will put the safrinha corn at risk for lower yields. If the safrinha corn is planted after the ideal planting window is closed and if the summer rains end earlier than normal, it is possible that the safrinha corn yields may be down as much as 40% to 50%. Therefore, the continuation of the summer rains will be critical this year for the late-planted safrinha corn.


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