EU intends to increase exports of food agricultural products to China

Source:  IDK
ЕС Китай

The European Union intends to increase exports of agri-food products to China, despite tensions in economic relations in other areas. European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski told Reuters ahead of a visit to China.

“In food trade, China has no barriers to imports,” he pointed out. He said the EU has the potential to increase exports to the PRC for a host of agricultural and food products, including poultry, pork, beef and dairy products.

“We are seeing a growing number of middle-class consumers who are looking for good and quality food products. This is a chance for the European food program to increase exports,” Wojciechowski added. At the same time, the European Commissioner emphasized that he would not want the problems in the EU-China trade in other goods to be solved at the expense of agriculture.

As the agency notes, the EU trade in agri-food products with China has a positive balance, unlike the situation with solar panels or cars on new energy sources.

Earlier, Bloomberg reported that the EU may impose new tariffs on Chinese goods entering Europe by July. These measures will have to compensate for China’s policy of subsidizing exports of certain product categories.

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