During the war, Ukraine exported 200,000 tons of sunflower oil

Source:  AgroPortal.ua 
подсолнечное масло

In March-May this year, Ukrainian exporters exported almost 230,000 tons of vegetable oils to foreign markets.

This is evidenced by the data of the only automated information system of the customs authorities of Ukraine – UAIS “Delivery Control”, published on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

Thus, during the war, 197.5 thousand tons of sunflower oil were exported (29.061 thousand tons in March, 129.607 thousand tons in April) and 31.56 thousand tons of soybean oil (11.550 thousand tons and 16.384 thousand tons). in accordance).

At the same time, the export of sunflower seeds for the specified period amounted to 174.3 thousand tons, soybeans – 115 thousand tons, meal – 100.4 thousand tons.

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