Corn sowing in the U.S. is slow


The pace of sowing U.S. corn and soybeans last week was slower than expected.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), by May 5, corn had planted 36% of the target area (42% on the same date last year and 39% of the five-year average). Soybeans were sown 25% (30% and 21%) of the plan. Spring wheat has been sown on 47% (21% and 31%) of the area.

The condition of winter wheat crops slightly improved during the week. The share of crops in excellent and good condition increased to 51% (5% a week earlier and 29% a year ago). The share of crops in poor and very poor condition remains at 16% (16% and 44%). 34% (35% and 27%) of crops are in fair condition.

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