Cargo turnover of Ukrainian ports decreased by 15% in June compared to May


In June, Ukrainian ports handled 7 million tons of cargo, down 15% from 8.26 million tons in May and 29% from 9.91 million tons in April. However, compared to June last year, transshipment volumes increased by one and a half times. The press service of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority reports.

In June, grain became the main cargo in Ukrainian ports. Their volume amounted to 4.4 million tons, which is 1 million tons more than in June 2023 (3.4 million tons). The volume of ore cargo also increased, reaching 1.2 million tons in June, which is 1 million tons more than in June 2023, when the volume was only 0.2 million tons.

It is noted that Ukraine’s foreign trade is 90% dependent on the ports of the Danube and Greater Odesa. However, in June, exports through the Danube ports decreased to 1.3-1.5 million tons. According to the head of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority, Yuriy Lytvyn, this is due to the de-blockade of Odesa ports and the seasonal decline in exports.

The Ukrainian Corridor also remains an important component of maritime transportation. In June, 5.6 million tons of cargo were transported through it, of which 3.6 million tons were products of Ukrainian farmers.

In total, in the first six months of 2024, Ukrainian ports handled 53 million tons of cargo and handled 6,046 vessels, which is significantly higher than in June 2023 (31.2 million tons).


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