Peas: prices in Ukraine
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Peas are a pulse crop with a unique nutritional composition that makes them popular in many countries. In Ukraine, the price of peas is very attractive and their quality is high. The country is one of the five largest exporters of this crop in the world. The main importers are European Union countries with a growing population.
Why is there always demand for peas?
Peas contain vitamins B, C, and A, and are rich in protein, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and zinc. In addition, they have a pleasant taste, making them one of the favorite side dishes. Pea soup is also very popular in the world.
Thanks to its chemical composition, peeled peas contribute to the stable functioning of the cardiovascular system, have a positive effect on metabolism, and help control blood glucose levels in diabetes. Pulses of the worst quality, which have a low price, are used as animal feed.
Pea price in Ukraine
Canada, which is one of the largest exporters of pulses, has recently experienced problems with pea production due to drought. Recently, the country’s acreage has decreased by 4-32% depending on the crop. Against this backdrop, interest in pulses grown in Ukraine is growing.
Today, traders are constantly looking for new markets. The price of peas per ton in Ukraine in 2024 is as follows:
- yellow peas ~ 7 750 UAH/ton;
- green peas ~ 10,000 UAH/ton.
The domestic market also offers higher prices for purchases in small batches. You can buy any kind of peas, including polished and winter peas.
Types of peas grown in Ukraine
Ukraine is a country that produces and exports several varieties of peas.
This legume has been growing in our country since the Bronze and Stone Ages. This is confirmed by the first pea seeds dating back to the third millennium BC, which were found by archaeologists in Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions. It is a frost-resistant plant that germinates even at -2…-4 °C.
Peas love moisture but can withstand short-term drought. It is an early-ripening crop that does not require large inputs, a lot of fertilizer, special treatment and protection. It does not deplete the soil, but takes only the most necessary things from it. Ukraine’s main pea acreage is located in Zaporizhzhia, Odesa and Kharkiv regions. The crops are harvested early in the morning and stored in an elevator.
They are produced in Ukraine:
- Yellow peas. One of the most common pulses. The Ukrainian harvest of this type of pea is characterized by high quality and good presentation, which is in no way inferior to the Canadian one.
- Split yellow peas. They are produced by splitting the seeds of common yellow peas. This crushed crop contains up to 23% protein and many amino acids. Split peas are one of the most popular cereals in the world.
- Green peas. The fruits of these peas are softer and sweeter than yellow peas. They are harvested while still unripe, then processed using a special technology to produce smooth, round, dry grains with a glossy sheen. In Ukraine, it is not grown as much as yellow peas, but it still has something to offer the market.
Seed pea varieties:
- peeling – ideal for soups, boils quickly;
- brain peas – the best option for canning;
- sugar peas – the sweetest and fleshy peas.
According to the purpose, varieties are divided into universal and table varieties, which determines the price of peas. Fodder peas, which are in demand in livestock farming, are also grown.
Ukraine also exports chickpeas, which are brownish-green beans also called chickpeas.
The full-scale invasion of Ukraine has made negative adjustments to the sowing campaign. In 2022, only 124 thousand hectares of peas were sown in Ukraine, which is 50% less than last year. The reason for this is the war. Due to the shortage of seeds, other pulses were sown even less. Chickpeas were planted on 5.3 thou hectares, beans on 40 thou hectares, and lentils on about 1 thou hectare.
Pea prices forecast to 2024
According to analysts, the price and demand for pulses may increase. There is a high probability that by 2045, the consumption of pulses will increase by 1.5 times in countries with rapidly growing populations. This opens up great prospects for Ukrainian peas exports.
Factors that may affect the price of pulses:
- Demand in the global market.
- The number of offers from other exporting countries and the price offered by them.
- Quality and quantity of the crop.
- The possibility of storage in warehouses and logistics costs.
- Currency exchange rate.
As pulses are mainly transported by sea containers, much will depend on grain corridors and stable port operations. According to optimistic forecasts, peas may be exported to the European Union, as well as to India, Egypt, Turkey, and Thailand.
It is predicted that in 2024, Ukraine’s pea acreage will increase, and it will be able to sell large quantities of quality product on the global market. This will be a significant support for the Ukrainian economy and will help the agricultural sector to stay afloat. Even those farmers who used to sow only wheat and other grains are planning to work with peas in 2024 Lentil and chickpea seeds are still not enough to expand the acreage.