Ukrvynprom initiates the introduction of a special duty on imports from Georgia and Armenia because of support for Russian aggression

“Ukrvynprom has taken the initiative to impose sanctions on countries that support Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.
This was announced by Ukrvynprom CEO Volodymyr Kucherenko, Business Telegraph reports.
“We have to establish a special duty on the import of products from Georgia and Armenia. This is a matter of principle for us. The Georgians did not give us the Buk [air defense system], they flooded us with their products and are parasitizing our market. That’s why we appealed to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Agrarian Policy to establish a special duty on finished imported wine products from such countries. They all agreed, but the matter has not moved forward.
According to Volodymyr Kucherenko, Ukrvynprom insists that Armenians and Georgians stop misleading Ukrainian consumers about the name of their products. Neither Armenia nor Georgia has the right to call their products “Cognac”, as the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which entered into force on September 1, 2017, provides for mutual protection of a certain number of geographical indications, including “Cognac” in Ukraine.
The use of the name “Cognac” for products originating from third countries and not meeting the technical conditions for the production of cognac is prohibited in Ukraine starting from November 1, 2022.
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