Ukrainian exports through Black Sea ports could reach 7 million tons per month

Source:  Elevatorist

Analysts believe that the volume of exports through Ukrainian seaports may grow and reach 7 million tons. This was stated by Olena Bilan, chief economist at Kyiv-based investment bank Dragon Capital, the New York Times reports.

According to her, the maritime corridor has already had significant positive effects on the Ukrainian economy and is likely to become one of the key drivers of growth next year.

“Exports of goods through the corridor may increase to 7 million tons per month, compared to the projected 5 million tons in December. Exports of high-value products may partially reorient from the blocked road to seaports,” the report said.

Andriy Klymenko, head of the Black Sea Institute for Strategic Studies, noted that Ukraine currently exports 3.2 million tons of products through the corridor every month. And in the months when exports by sea were carried out under the auspices of the UN, 2.7 million tons were shipped. At the same time, Ukraine expects that Russia will continue to strike at port infrastructure and ships and will try to prevent the use of the sea corridor.

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