Ukraine. Winter crops development affected by a late start to spring growth versus long-term average


Crops remain in good and fair condition, but their development is affected by a late start to spring growth versus long-term average dates due to a slow air temperature increase.

The beneficial factors include sufficient soil moisture that allows nitrogen fertilization promoting yield growth in winter grains, UkrAgroConsult reports.

Cool weather, precipitation, excessive topsoil moisture and poor soil warmup in many regions were unfavorable for early planting of early spring crops.

Planting of spring cereals and peas continues in the south, where air and soil temperatures were higher and soil moisture was adequate. Sunflower planting is beginning on some farms.

Weather forecast for April 20-25:

Precipitation (5-15 mm) is expected in the western regions, with 25-35 mm to be seen in the north and 15-35 mm in the central, eastern and southern regions.

Air temperature will be +13 … +15°C in the daytime, +3 … +5°C at night in the West; +14 … +16°C in the daytime, +4 … +6°C at night in the North; +15 … +17°C in the daytime, +3 … +5°C at night in the central regions; +14 … +16°C in the daytime, +5 … +7°C at night in the East; +16 … +18°C in the daytime, +4 … +6°C at night in the South.

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