Ukraine processes 1 million tons of rapeseed for the first time

Source:  AgroTimes
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For the first time ever, Ukraine processed 1.0 mln tons of rapeseed (23.3% of the 2023 harvest). And this is despite the fact that rapeseed is considered to be a predominantly export-oriented agricultural raw material.

This is reported by the press service of the Association “Ukroliyaprom”.

The export of rapeseed oil in July-March of 2023/24 MY reached the record level of 400 thsd tonnes. Rapeseed oil is confidently entering the markets of China, EU countries, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. Positive dynamics is also observed in rapeseed meal. Exports of soybean oil and meal, as well as their production and processing, will continue to grow, especially in January-March 2024.

“The growth of domestic processing of rapeseed and soybean seeds, as well as a significant increase in exports of high value-added products, namely oil and meal, confirms the EBA’s position on the need to create conditions for maximum processing of oilseeds at domestic facilities. We envisage further development of the oil and fat industry of Ukraine not only in increasing the processing of sunflower seeds, but also such oilseeds as soybeans and rapeseed, which are still considered export-oriented,” Ukroliyaprom said.

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