Ukraine offered to sell barley and flour stolen by Russia to Lebanon

Source:  Ukrainian truth

Ukraine offered Lebanon to purchase barley and wheat flour stolen in Ukraine, which was stolen by the occupiers and transported on Syrian ships. This was stated by Ukrainian embassy in Lebanon.

“In agreement with the owners of the products in Ukraine on board, and in order to avoid spoiling the looted grain and its storage in Lebanon, the Ukrainian Embassy has made an offer to the Government of Lebanon to purchase the above-mentioned goods at the following prices:

  • Wheat flour $350 per ton
  • Barley $180 per ton,” the statement said.

It is noted that the prices are half the market prices.

Earlier, Lebanon impounded a ship loaded with barley and wheat flour while it investigates the origin of the cargo, which might have been stolen by the Russian occupants in Ukraine. The Ukrainian ambassador told the Lebanese president that a Syrian ship loaded with barley exported from Ukraine’s occupied territories had entered the port of Tripoli on 27 July.

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