Ukraine harvested 29 million tons of vegetables this year

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Ukrainian farmers have harvested almost 29 million tons of vegetables as of early November. Most of them are potatoes – 21.2 million tons, as well as 7.1 million tons of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, etc., the Ministry of Agrarian Policy reports.

Potatoes were harvested on an area of 1,183 thousand hectares. Zhytomyr region is the leader in its production – more than 2 million tons and Khmelnytsky region – 1 million 980 thousand tons.

All other vegetables were harvested on an area of 367.6 thousand hectares, producing 7.1 million tons of crops, including: tomatoes – 1.4 million tons, cabbage – 1.3 million tons, onions – 877 thousand tons, carrots – 810 thousand tons, beets – 766 thousand tons, cucumbers – 681 thousand tons, and other vegetables – 1.3 million tons.

The leader in harvesting vegetables, except for potatoes, in the total count is the agrarians of Dnipropetrovs’k region, who grew 780 thousand tons of crops there. However, farmers in Mykolaiv region grew the most tomatoes – 275 thousand tons. The most abundant cabbage was in Lviv region – 234 thousand tons, cucumbers in Kyiv region – 72.8 thousand tons.

Melons and gourds were harvested on an area of 29.8 thousand hectares with a production of 283 thousand tons, including 214 thousand tons of watermelons and 69 thousand tons of melons. Dnipropetrovska oblast is also the leader in melons and gourds harvesting, with 64 thsd tonnes of melons and watermelons.

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