Sugar beet sowing is coming to an end in the EU

Source:  УкрЦукор
цукрові буряки

According to the European Commission, as of the end of May, sugar beet planting in the European Union is nearing completion after the start of the sowing campaign was delayed due to rainy weather conditions in the main producing regions in the western and northern regions of Central Europe.

Delays in the start of the sowing campaign may have a negative impact on sugar beet yields in the EU. In some countries in the north of the region, which suffered the most from unfavorable weather, sowing continues. In countries, including Sweden, sowing operations were successful with minor delays.

The condition of seedlings varies across Europe. In countries with waterlogged soils, including France, Benelux and Germany, crops are affected by slugs and aphids that can carry the beet yellow virus. In contrast, in Poland and eastern Hungary, where the topsoil is dry, rain is needed to ensure germination and development.

The average beet yield in the EU in 2024 is estimated at 75.4 t/ha, which is higher than the five-year average of 73.5 t/ha. In France, beet yields are expected to reach 84.5 t/ha this season, up from 83.4 t/ha in 2023 and the five-year average of 78.8 t/ha. In Germany, the yield is expected to reach 75.5 t/ha, down from the five-year average of 75.9 t/ha and last year’s 79.7 t/ha.

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