Sown areas in Ukraine will increase by 100 thousand hectares due to demining


This year, Ukraine is expected to increase the sown area, as a significant number of areas have been demined in Kharkiv and Kherson regions. We are talking about an increase of about 100 thousand hectares.

This was stated by MP, member of the Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy Dmytro Solomchuk, according to a statement on the parliament’s website.

“Central and Western Ukraine are the record holders in terms of crops. However, in Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions, people are working at great risk, sowing fields right up to the defense line so that they can pay people for their shares, so that the peasants have money, and so that the country is fed. Sleeves and mobile storage facilities are provided to store the future harvest, but there are not enough storage warehouses and elevators. Russian missiles continue to hit agriculture, destroying farms,” the politician noted.

He added that this year farmers have also faced some problems due to bad weather conditions.

“Farmers in Sumy, Kharkiv, and Chernihiv regions suffered the most due to the frost a week ago. People were forced to re-sow, which is not cheap, because they need machinery, fuel and seeds, and fertilizers. At the same time, I think that this year we will be asked to export more durum wheat and rapeseed to European countries. The price for these products will increase significantly, so farmers will be able to make a profit,” the MP emphasized.

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