Serbia’s 2024 wheat output seen down 16%

Source:  SeeNews
сбор урожая
Serbia expects to harvest 2.9 million tonnes of wheat in 2024, down 16% compared to a year earlier, the statistics office said.The harvested area is expected to total 549,032 hectares, down from 682,246 hectares in 2023, the statistics office said in a statement earlier this week.

This year’s yield is seen at 5.3 tonnes per hectare, up from 5.1 tonnes per hectare last year, the statement read.

In 2023, Serbia harvested 3.449 million tonnes of wheat, up 11% compared to 2022, according to earlier released statistics data.

This week the statistics office also said that the total area put under maize has been expanded by 4.1% to 961,268 hectares this year, while the area sown with sunflower has been increased by 3.4% to 248,607 hectares.

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