Russia is annoyed by the increase in grain exports from Ukraine

Source:  GrainTrade

In September, Ukraine exported 4.3 million tons of grain crops, which corresponds to the level of exports of the previous two months. This is very annoying to the authorities of the Russian Federation, since Russia exported only 4.4 million tons of grain in September.

The total export of grain and oil crops, according to the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council, amounted to 6.9 million tons in September, which practically corresponds to the pre-war level, although not all port capabilities are currently used. Ukraine, as an export-oriented state, demonstrates to the whole world that it fulfills all the obligations assumed in Istanbul.

In August, the dynamics of exports was quite good, and in September it even exceeded market expectations. If in August only 1.7 million tons of agricultural products were exported through the ports of Odesa, then in September 3.8 million tons were exported. In the last two months, 252 vessels with 5.7 million tons of agricultural products left the ports of Ukraine through the grain corridors.

However, November 19 marks the end of the 100-day term of the grain agreement, and it is critical to ensure that grain corridors continue to operate through the winter, spring and summer.

In 2022/23 MR, as of September 30, Ukraine exported 8.58 million tons of grain (14.36 million tons on this date last year), in particular, in September – 4.3 million tons (5.6 million tons in September 2021). Since the beginning of the season, 3 million tons of wheat have been exported, of which 1.75 million tons were exported in September, while last year these figures were 8.9 and 4.4 million tons, respectively.

in 2022/23, Russia exported 13.67 million tons of grain, which is 22% less than last year’s figure of 17.5 million tons. In particular, 11.9 million tons of wheat were shipped, which is 23.4% less than on this date in 2021/22 MR, when 15.6 million tons were shipped. In September, compared to September 2021, grain exports decreased by 21% from 6.5 to 5.14 million tons, in particular wheat – by 20.6% to 4.6 million tons.

Last week, Putin again stated that “all the bread exported from Ukraine under the pretext of ensuring the food security of the poorest countries actually goes to Europe, and the poor countries receive only 5% of this amount, which is a lie.” Apparently, the Kremlin is looking for an excuse to terminate the agreement on the export of grain from the ports of Ukraine, which was signed on July 22 in Istanbul by representatives of Ukraine, Turkey, the United Nations and the Russian Federation.

An investigation by the Associated Press showed that the Russian Federation took out dozens of vessels wi

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