Restrictions on agricultural exports: European electorate has become more important than solidarity with Ukraine

Source:  24 TV Chanel

European diplomats admit that no one in the EU expected that the protesting farmers would be able to achieve their goals so quickly and get so many concessions.

Sources in the EU say that MEPs vote in accordance with the calls of their own citizens on the eve of elections, even if they contradict the positions of their parties. In this way, MEPs want to reach the widest possible electorate during the European Parliament elections in June.

The European Parliament elections are also important for Ukraine, as their results will determine whether the newly formed majority will be pro-Ukrainian. Now, pro-European and radical parties are trying to please farmers, who are a significant part of the electorate, to get their votes in early June.

Experts note that due to the turbulence within the EU, it is currently difficult to predict Europe’s further actions. In such circumstances, negotiations between Ukrainian and Polish producers continue.

They managed to reach an agreement on three points:

  • a ban on imports of goods from Russia and Belarus to the EU is necessary,
  • a ban on the transit of Belarusian and Russian goods through the EU is necessary,
  • the use of intervention purchases by the European Commission of surplus products on the market to stabilize market prices.

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