Polish hunters join farmers’ protests

Source:  European Pravda

One of the associations of Polish hunters said it would join the farmers’ protests to support their demands and make its own. This is reported by RMF24.

The Hunters in Action Association said that on February 20 it would protest together with farmers to support their demands and protest against new restrictions on hunting.

“We do not agree with the destruction of Polish agriculture through the delegalization of hunting. Balanced hunting, agriculture and forestry are the foundations of our country’s security. We must stop destroying the heritage of many generations of Poles,” the association said and called on like-minded people to “stand behind every farm tractor with their car.”

As you know, on February 20, Polish farmers are going to block all border crossings with Ukraine.

On the eve of the protest, the Polish Minister of Agriculture addressed the farmers in a letter outlining the priorities of the ministry and inviting them to negotiations.

The previous large-scale protests blocking the border with Ukraine took place on February 18, when protesters tried to block railroad traffic, among other things.

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