Polish farmers plan to stand on the border with Ukraine until the end of April

Source:  AgroPortal.ua

Polish farmers intend to continue their protests and border blockade until the end of April 2024.

This is stated in a message on the website of the Lubicz-Korolowska City Council regarding a public meeting.

As noted, the protest will take place from March 10, 2024, to April 30, 2024, on the road near the border crossing in Hrebenne (“Rava-Ruska – Hrebenne”). It is expected to be attended by 100 people. The organizer of the meeting is Mateusz Berbecki.

The purpose of the public meeting is to cancel the “green deal” and stop the flow of agricultural products from Ukraine.

Earlier it was announced that the protest of Polish farmers would last until March 10.

In addition, farmers plan to hold a large protest in Warsaw on March 6. This time, it is organized by NSZZ Rolników Indywidualnych Solidarność together with the national NSZZ Solidarność, headed by Piotr Duda. Foresters and hunters intend to join the strike, farmer.pl reports.

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