Polish carriers want to resume protests on the border with Ukraine on March 1


Polish carriers plan to resume protests on the border with Ukraine on March 1, which were suspended in January, and want to introduce commercial permits for Ukrainian companies to transport goods, RMF FM reports.

According to the information, carriers from Lublin and Podkarpackie regions want to block the crossings in Hrebenne, Dorohusk and Korczowa again. The protest may also affect the entrance to the border crossing in Medyka.

Last week, Infrastructure Minister Dariusz Klimczak assured that he was mindful of the carriers’ demands. “All of them are being implemented, the problem of farmers and carriers is extremely similar,” he said.

Meanwhile, the transportation industry says it is waiting for specific legislation.

“We had a message from the Ministry of Infrastructure that a draft law would be presented that would strengthen inspections of Ukrainian carriers, but weeks have passed and we have no draft,” commented Maciej Wronski, president of the Polish Transport and Logistics Association.

According to him, carriers are still protesting, but unofficially.

“We see these people at farmers’ protests. For me, this is also completely frivolous, we must allow the government to implement the points of the agreement concluded in January. I am against intensifying the protests, I am against blocking roads, I am for solving the problems of specific communities,” Vronsky said.

Signals from farmers and carriers indicate that if nothing happens on this issue by Thursday, the scale and number of protests on the border with Ukraine can only increase.

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