Poland suggests a mirror response to the ban on grain transit from Ukraine

Source:  AgroPortal.ua

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland hopes that there will be no need to stop the transit of agricultural products from Ukraine. Polish Minister of Agriculture Czeslaw Sekerski told journalists in Brussels.

“Our negotiations with representatives of the Ukrainian government went in this direction. And these were proposals from the Ukrainian side that, according to the fact that 95% of trade and grain flows through the sea channel and the Danube River, this is actually the implementation of the latest agreements… So transit should be reduced to zero. Let’s hope that there will be no need for such a decision,” the official said.

The Polish minister also added that by banning transit unilaterally, one can get a counter-mirror reaction from the Ukrainian side.

“We must also remember that trade goes in both directions. Poland is an exporter of dairy products, so the other side can take retaliatory measures. That’s why Polish milk producers and processors also spoke here,” explained Czesław Ciekerski.

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