Moldovan agrarians ask to introduce emergency regime in the republic due to drought

Source:  Іnfotag
погода weather засуха клімат

The association “Farmers’ Power”, which is the leading sectoral association in the agro-industrial complex of Moldova, has initiated the introduction of a state of emergency in the territory of the republic in connection with the drought.

As it is specified, this proposal is contained in the letter of the association sent to the Moldovan government.

“It is necessary to create as soon as possible in the districts specialized commissions to identify the lands affected by drought. Unfortunately, climate change is getting worse in our country. Farmers report that in many districts, first-group field crops have already been severely affected. Checks should be carried out everywhere and drought-affected areas should be declared disaster zones,” the letter explained the need for a state of emergency.

The association also urged the government to develop measures to help the affected farmers as soon as possible, including by requesting the necessary support from the European Union.

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