Kazakhstan to increase oilseeds at the expense of wheat

Source:  ElDala

Murat Irgibayev, Director of the Agriculture Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, said that this season, compared to the previous one, wheat plantings are expected to decrease by 430 thousand hectares, and by 855 thousand hectares over the next five years. In 2023, the wheat sowing in Kazakhstan was carried out on 13.7 mln ha.

The goal is to prevent a decline in gross grain harvest by increasing yields.

The area under oilseeds should increase from the current 2.8 million hectares to 3.2 million hectares in five years. This will help supply raw materials to the country’s oilseed processing plants, which currently have an annual capacity of 3 million tons. In addition, the area under annual grasses should increase by 190 thousand hectares to increase the production of fodder to support livestock.

Of course, the success of this program requires finance to upgrade the machine and tractor fleet and purchase seeds. The Ministry of Agriculture is currently working on the issue of allocating funds.

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