Kazakhstan reduced linseed exports by 42%

Source:  OleoScope

For 6 months of 2024 Kazakhstan reduced exports of linseed by 42% – from $144.1 mln to $83.3 mln compared to the same period of the previous year. The total export of raw agro-products decreased by 39% to $1 bln. This is reported by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

There was also a significant reduction in supplies to foreign markets of major cereals – wheat and barley, as well as oilseeds and pulses.

In particular, the export of wheat, whose share in the total supply of raw agricultural products reaches almost 62%, decreased by 52%, from $1 billion to $494.1 million. Barley exports (7.3% of total exports) decreased from $118.9 million to $78.7 million (-33.8%). Shipments of dried legume vegetables to foreign markets decreased from $43.9 million to $42.8 million (2.6%).

The only commodity of raw agro-export, supplies of which increased, is unspun cotton fiber. This product recorded a 31% growth, from $59 million to $77.3 million.

Earlier, the country predicted an increase in the area under flax to 1 million hectares due to low profitability of other crops and growing demand from China, after a sharp decline last year. The head of the production committee of the Grain Union of Kazakhstan Talgat Aldazharov noted the growing competition for Chinese markets, particularly from Russian suppliers.


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