Kazakhstan lost the Iranian wheat market

Source:  lsm.kz

Kazakhstan has lost the Iranian market for wheat supplies due to the record crop failure, Harvest Kazakhstan director Daulet Uvashev said, lsm.kz reports.

“Now we actually have the following markets left – China, Central Asia and Afghanistan. We have forgotten about Iran for a long time. This season it will definitely not be there,” he stated.

In December, Kazakhstan will continue to supply grain under the current contracts, and from February to April, demand from Uzbekistan will resume.

The season has been difficult and unsuccessful for Kazakh farmers, Uvashev said. Heavy rains in September provoked a crop failure, “which has not happened for many years”. This led to disruption of export supply chains.

According to calculations of the portal, in January – October Kazakhstan’s export of wheat and meslin fell eight times – to 68.3 thousand tons, for which Kazakhstan earned $186 million.

Earlier “Kursiv” wrote that in the first nine months of 2023 Kazakhstan supplied Uzbekistan with wheat and meslin for $615.4 million.

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