In December, Ukraine exported 6.8 million tons of agricultural products

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Almost 39 million tons of grain, oil crops and their processing products have been shipped by Ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion. Among the three leaders among the agricultural crops that were shipped during the 10 months of the war, there is corn – 15.6 million tons, wheat – 8.6 million tons, and sunflower oil – 3.3 million tons.

In the last month of 2022, 6.8 million tons of agricultural products were shipped. This is 900,000 tons more than in November. In general, December was marked by an expected decrease in rapeseed supplies. Instead, the export of corn increased by 1.3 million tons — it is 3.3 million tons.

The volume of exported wheat for December remains unchanged and amounts to 1.6 million tons. Also, supplies of sunflower oil and soybeans remained almost unchanged. The first shipped 468 thousand tons, in November it was 466 thousand tons. Soybeans — 387 thousand tons in December against 385 thousand tons in November. Instead, supplies of sunflower seeds decreased by 65,000 tons, 312,000 tons were shipped.

A significant decrease is observed in rapeseed shipments: 237,000 tons in December against 412,000 tons in November and 777,000 tons in October. Such a phenomenon is seasonal and traditional for Ukraine.

Barley shipments have almost halved — 179,000 tons were exported in December.

The volume of meal export decreased slightly in December — by 13,000 tons — and amounted to 331,000 tons. Soybean oil supplies increased by 4,000 tons to 20,000 tons.

The general pattern of shipments for December in percentages is as follows: 48.32% is planted with corn, 23.03% – wheat, 6.93% – sunflower oil, soybeans – 5.74%, sunflower seeds – 4.62%, 4.9 % – meal, rapeseed – 3.51%, barley – 2.65%, soybean oil – 0.30%.

The total volume of shipments for 10 months in terms of crops: 15.6 million tons – corn (39.96%); 8.6 million tons – wheat (21.98%); 3.3 million tons – sunflower oil (8.37%); 3 million tons – rapeseed (7.75%); 2.7 million tons – sunflower seeds (6.92%); 2.2 million tons – meal (5.8%); 1.7 million tons – barley (4.37%); 1.7 million tons – soybeans (4.48%), 188 thousand tons – soybean oil (0.48%).

You can read more about exports in the section – Ukraine. Export of grain and oilseed crops.

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