Hungary expands the list of agricultural products banned for import from Ukraine
The Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture has announced that starting Wednesday it will ban the import of 25 agricultural products and grains from Ukraine.
This is reported by
Hungary, which has already announced a ban on imports of Ukrainian grain, has extended this measure to dozens of agricultural products since Wednesday.
According to the decree, published on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, in addition to grain, flour, honey, oil and meat from Ukraine will not be allowed to be sold on Hungarian territory. These restrictions will be in effect until June 30. The measures are explained as protecting Hungarian farmers and consumers.
At the same time, Hungary does not prohibit the movement of these products on its territory, meaning that transit transportation is still allowed, but the relevant authorities will check them at the border, and they will be monitored using electronic devices and patrols.
Carriers who violate the rules may be fined, and the fine may even reach the full value of the cargo.
As a reminder, Bulgaria has imposed a temporary ban on food imports from Ukraine, except for transit goods.
In recent days, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia have banned imports of Ukrainian agricultural products, and there are calls in Romania to do the same because of the damage to local farmers due to lower prices of Ukrainian products.
Further development of the Black Sea and global grain and oilseeds markets will be discussed by UkrAgroConsult analysts and leading agribusiness operators at the EURO GRAIN HUB Exchange & Forum on April 26-28 in Bucharest, Romania. Join the key stakeholders from the Black Sea region, Central & Eastern Europe and Balkans, contributing to the global commodity supply chain.
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