Hungarian farmers to protest against agricultural imports on the border with Ukraine on February 9


Next Friday, February 9, Hungarian farmers are preparing to protest on the border with Ukraine near the city of Záhony against the EU’s extension of preferential trade regime with Ukraine, particularly for grain. This was reported by Telex.

Thus, the head of the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations (Magosz), Istvan Jakab, said that they are dissatisfied with the European Commission’s plans to extend the suspension of import quotas and duties for Ukrainian exports to the EU, because they will have to compete with products whose production “should not take into account any EU requirements.”

The union said that farmers “support the Hungarian government, which protects their interests from Brussels.”

Also, Hungarian Agriculture Minister Istvan Nagy said that the European Commission’s proposal to extend the preferential trade regime with Ukraine “does not offer any solutions” to the issue of Ukrainian grain, so Hungary plans to maintain a national ban on imports of agricultural products from Ukraine.

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