Grain and oilseed harvest in Ukraine expected to be 12% lower due to drought

Source:  Censor.NET
кукурудза посуха

Difficult weather conditions, in particular drought, did not have a global impact on the harvest and crop prices. But the consequences could be felt in 2025. This will especially affect winter crops. Also, climate change this year has partially affected the harvest of grains and oilseeds, which will be less by about 12%.

This is reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy with reference to the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy Taras Vysotsky.

According to him, Ukrainian agricultural entrepreneurs have already adapted to the challenges since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion, and agricultural production in all categories of crops has stabilized.

Taras Vysotsky also said that a good sugar beet harvest is expected. Sugar production will reach 1.6 million tons, while domestic consumption will be 900 thousand tons. That is, there is enough sugar for both the domestic market and exports.

The buckwheat harvest will be smaller, but given last year’s stocks of the grain, it will be more than enough.

“For most vegetables, berries, and fruits, Ukraine has its own supply. There will be no high prices, as in 2022, when Ukraine temporarily lost part of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions. But we should not expect too low prices either. Demand for products has decreased, and the market has adapted to the new conditions. There will be off-season fluctuations, and prices will traditionally rise in spring due to the storage of fruits and vegetables in storage facilities. The main factor that will affect prices, including for dairy products, is the availability of electricity,” – said Taras Vysotskyi.

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