Global soybean exports in March amounted to almost 17.3 million tons

Source:  Oleoscope

In March, the global soybean trade volume amounted to about 17.28 mln tons, according to the analysts of Hamburg-based OilWorld agency (Germany). According to the experts, the global sales decreased to the level of the same month last year by about 5% (from 18.13 mln tons), but increased by almost 30% (from 13.58 mln tons) in February this year.

According to the German agency, the sales of Brazilian soybeans totaled 12.63 mln tonnes in the reporting period (13.24 mln tonnes in March 2023, 6.61 mln tonnes in February 2024). Shipments from the U.S. are estimated at 3.2 mln tonnes (3.14 mln tonnes, 5.27 mln tonnes).

China traditionally purchased the largest amount of the oilseed last month – 11.12 mln tonnes (11.41 mln tonnes, 8.37 mln tonnes). The EU countries also purchased about 1.14 mln tonnes of the beans (1.31 mln tonnes, 0.99 mln tonnes), and Argentina 1.08 mln tonnes (1.34 mln tonnes, 0.97 mln tonnes).

In general, since the beginning of the season-2023/24, the global soybean exports increased to the record 96.7 mln tonnes compared to 92.9 mln tonnes in the corresponding period of the previous year.

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