Global Agri Leaders Meet at BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE in Prague!

Agri leaders from 25+ countries meet on February 13-14 at the 22 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE in Prague, Marriott Hotel.
BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE will address the most pressing issues in the global and regional grain & oilseed sector, trade and logistics, geopolitical and economic challenges, EU agricultural policy, demand trends and processing, and other strategic points.
The Conference connects top market stakeholders of the Black Sea & Danube region, CEE and Balkans to foster effective agri commodity supply chains to the global food markets. Among participants are producers and crushers of grains & oilseeds, commodity traders, agri-food, logistics and finance sectors, government authorities and industry associations.
- Black Sea & Danube Region. What’s Beyond the 2024/25 Season’s Equator? Grains & Oilseeds
- EU 2025 Outlook for Wheat, Corn and Soybeans
- Brazil, Argentina, Mercosur Markets: Grain and Oilseed Production and Trade, Top Export Destinations
- Reshaping the Global Commodity Market. Macro and Micro Factors & Challenges
- European Agricultural Regulations. Impact On The Region, Opportunities For Sustainable Development
- Toolkit To Bolster The Resilience Of The Agribusiness Sector
- Production and Processing Strategies to Meet a Changing World
- Shifting the Focus of Grain & Oilseed Safety Monitoring in War-Affected Areas
- Meeting the Global Demand. Fostering Regional Supply Chains, Trade and Logistics
The “BLACK SEA GRAIN. EUROPE-2025” conference is more than just a meeting—it’s a catalyst for innovation and collaboration in the agribusiness sector. By bringing together a diverse group of professionals, it provides a unique platform to share knowledge, explore new opportunities, and address the challenges facing the global agricultural market. Attendees will have the chance to network with top managers, decision-makers, and opinion leaders, gaining valuable insights to drive their businesses forward.
Distinguished Sponsors of the conference: Legal Sponsor – Fortior Law, Lanyard Sponsor – QSS, Sponsors – Filhet-Allard Maritime, Сontrol Union, Container Terminal Mostyska.
The conference is supported by: the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine; the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, in partnership with the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic and in cooperation with the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club Association; Ukrainian Grain Association; Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation; Ukroilprom Association; Donau Soja Organisation; and Ukrainian-Czech Chamber of Commerce (UKRCHAM).
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