Flour exports from Ukraine fell by 2.6 times in November

Source:  AgroPortal.ua

The volume of flour exports from Ukraine in November 2023/24 MY (as of 11/29/23) amounted to 6.3 thsd tonnes, down 2.6 times compared to the same month of 2022/23 season.

This is evidenced by the data of the State Customs Service, published by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

Thus, during the last month of autumn, 5.7 thsd tonnes of wheat flour were shipped. For comparison, last year in November this figure reached 16.3 thsd tonnes.

Other types of flour were exported in the amount of 0.6 thsd tonnes, which is twice as much as 0.3 thsd tonnes in November 2022.

Since the beginning of the season (July-November), Ukraine has exported 49.3 thsd tonnes of flour, down 10% y-o-y.

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