Experts have lowered their estimate of rapeseed production in the EU

Source:  OleoScope

Harvest of major oilseed crops in the EU countries this year may amount to about 31.9 million tons, analysts of the consulting company Strategie Grains forecast.

Thus, in their latest report, experts lowered the estimate of rapeseed production from 18.3 million tons to 18.1 million tons, mainly against the backdrop of lower oilseed harvest figures in France.

“The new crop forecast is now 9% lower than last year’s 19.9 million tons,” Strategie Grains explained.

Amid the expected decline in production, the company expects an increase in imports of Australian and Ukrainian rapeseed.

As for sunflower and soybeans, forecasts of gross harvest in the EU for this year remained unchanged – at the level of 10.7 million tons (+10% to 2023) and 3.1 million tons (+9% to 2023).

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