EU will continue discussing restrictions on imports from Ukraine today


The European Union will continue discussing restrictions on Ukrainian agricultural imports today, after Poland and France decided that the latest agreements are not enough. Politico reports.

The European Council’s point of view almost coincides with that of the European Parliament – the countries agree to stricter restrictions. Last month, the European Parliament approved an initiative of the European People’s Party, which positions itself as pro-Ukrainian, to tighten import restrictions and expand them to more products, including grain.

This is a victory for the powerful Copa-Cogeca farmers’ lobby, which convinced lawmakers to partially abandon trade liberalization with Ukraine.

“But while the outcome is great for the lobby group and its members, it is bad not only for Ukraine, which depends on agricultural export revenues, but also for EU citizens who will face higher food prices due to less competition and supply,” the journalists noted.

There is still no unified position in the European Parliament. Two of its largest groups, the European People’s Party and the Socialists and Democrats, are ready for additional restrictions, while others, including Renew Europe and the Greens, want to stick to the original compromise.

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