EU to strengthen checks on Ukrainian grain flows to ease farmers’ fears


The European Union will step up checks on transporters’ compliance with agreements when they export grain from Ukraine in an effort to resolve the problems of protesting farmers.

Reuters writes about this, citing the words of European Commissioner for Transport Adina Veljan.

Veljan opposed the closure of borders for trade with Ukraine.

“As long as the agreements are properly implemented, there should be no problems, and we are working to strengthen implementation. In other words, we need to make sure that operators do not go beyond the agreements, that they can only carry out bilateral operations, that… they have the right to transit,” the European Commissioner said.

According to her, EU countries are also benefiting from trade with Ukraine: exports by road from Poland, Romania, and Slovakia increased by double digits, exceeding the growth of goods coming to these countries. In January, 3 million tons of grain transited, of which approximately 2.04 million tons passed through Romania.

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