Duda supports the idea of a meeting of the governments of Ukraine and Poland to hold talks on the border, – Secretary of State Dera’s office

Source:  Censor.NET

Andrzej Dera, State Secretary of the Office of the President of Poland, said that Andrzej Duda supports the idea of a meeting between the Ukrainian and Polish governments and representatives of the European Commission to resolve the situation on the border. Dera said this on TVN24.

“The President is in favor of this dialogue (negotiations with farmers and the Ukrainian side – ed.). This is the only way to solve this huge problem. The problem is bilateral and very powerful. (…) Our farmers are fighting for their livelihoods. The Ukrainian people are fighting for their livelihoods. The situation is fatal on both sides, from this point of view, because the determination on both sides is enormous, and this problem simply must be solved,” Dera said.

“There is no other way than through negotiations, dialogue and solutions related to the European Union. I would like to remind you that farmers all over Europe are protesting today against what is happening to agriculture in the European Union,” he said.

Dera noted that Duda “supports” the meeting between the two governments.

“The president is doing everything in this spirit to support and help Ukraine. Let’s not forget that everything that is happening on the border – this conflict with grain, with agricultural products – is a consequence of the war,” he said.

Answering the question whether, in his opinion, Andrzej Duda could be a “patron” of the meeting, Dera emphasized that it is not about who would have patronage over it.

When asked whether, in his opinion, Andrzej Duda could be the “patron” of the meeting, Dera emphasized that it was not about who would have patronage over it.

“What we need now is a meeting between our Polish government, headed by Donald Tusk, and the Ukrainian government and, most importantly, with EU representatives,” added the Secretary of State at the Office of the President of Poland.

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