Canadian canola exports a third behind last season’s level

Source:  OleoScope

Canada has shipped about 3.8 million tons of canola to foreign markets since the beginning of the season-2023/24 (through March 17), according to data from the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). According to experts’ estimates, sales of oilseed declined by 34% over the year – from 5.75 million tons.

In addition, experts note that in the current season the country also exported 3.2 million tons of soybeans – 7% more than in the same period last year.

Also, according to CGC, Canada in MY 2023/24 sold abroad 15.7 million tons of wheat (-4%), including 2.2 million tons of grain durum (-38%).

Barley shipments are estimated at 1.3 million tons (-40%), corn – 0.6 million tons (-42%), and oats – 0.9 million tons (at last year’s level).

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